Life Leadership College exists to develop a generation of Christ-followers who display a passion for God, teachability, servant leadership, academic excellence and an honorable work ethic.
REALIZE your purpose and develop your dreams.
REFINE your gifts and skills through academic training and hands-on ministry.
RELEASE into full time ministry, building the body of Christ around the corner and around the world
"LLC is not just a program,
but an opportunity that I took to
help shape who I am today. LLC is
the school that saw potential in me way before I ever knew I had any potential in ministry. Because of LLC, I am able to say that I am confident in who I am, but
also someone who wants to be
a learner, giver, and someone
who serves those
around me."
Joey Ketchum
Connections Pastor at River Valley (Minneapolis, MN)

"Life Leadership College
taught me how to serve. It
showed me that a heart to serve
should be a response to and come
from an overflow of who Jesus is. I have graduated knowing how to passionately serve Jesus, serve others, and serve
the Church. It is with that heart to serve that I am now preparing
to go on to the mission
field full time."
Makenzie Muehler
Missionary Assistant (Toulouse, France)
"LLC prepared me to thrive in ministry with hands on experience, staff who were there to support me, and providing me many opportunities to excel in my calling!"
Luke Kraemer
Youth Pastor of Life Church
(Germantown, WI)